Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Me, Author of a Blog ??

I never thought I would be the author of a blog. I'm technologically challenged, so doing this is a real stretch for me (even as easy as blogspot makes it). I've never even followed any blogs until I came into the adoption world. During the past year I've seen what a great way it is to share the adoption journey with family and friends. So, here goes.

A week ago tonight I received approval from Hanoi Adoptions to travel to Viet Nam to adopt my sweet little Lucie. For quite some time I had been waking up at 3am every morning to check for "the e-mail." On my drive home from work last Wednesday night, I decided that I was too exhausted to stay up late or get up in the wee hours and I would force myself to stay in bed **all night long** and wait until morning to check my email messages. At 10pm that night as I was putting together my Stokke high chair (it's really cool - check it out if you've never seen one) I checked my messages and was shocked and elated to find that "the email" had arrived at 9:30pm. What a surprise! I think I must have waked up the entire neighborhood with my whooping. I called my parents to tell them, and my Mom's first question was to confirm that I was not teasing her - anyone who has gone through this process knows that this is nothing you tease about :) Then, calling my immediate family members I could not remember their telephone numbers and even after looking them up I dialed them incorrectly. That night and for two days after, I felt like my head was disconnected from my body.

So, now I am frantically trying to get ready at home and at work to head off to Viet Nam to be united with my baby girl. Now I have a blog to share the journey with my family and friends. Thank you for sharing this journey with me!


Lynn said...

Have a safe trip, Lisa. I can't wait to meet my new niece! I love you!!!

Donna B said...

We are thrilled for you and cannot wait to see photos of YOU holding precious LUCIE! "your daughter", what a blessing! We love you, Donna and Jeff

Anonymous said...


You're a mom!!! Wow - isn't God amazing. Look forward to following your blog and meeting Lucie sometime.

In Him,