December 21, 2008
This morning we went to church and I was able to leave Lucie in the nursery for the first time so I could go to the church service. Hopefully this is a trend that will continue. This afternoon we had a nice long visit from our friends S and C and her son M. Lucie loved M! They played and played and M made Lucie do her belly laugh for quite some time. C taped the laughing - I've got to get a copy and will try to post it if I can. It is too funny. So, the big news is that during this visit Lucie walked for the first time. She did it several times - walking back and forth between M and me. She did it with confidence and of course we were all thrilled to see her take her first steps. It took me so by surprise that I did not get any pictures. (A side note from today, Dec 29th - I haven't been able to get her to repeat this. Not sure what she is waiting for :).
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