Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lucie's First Christmas

December 25, 2008 Part I - Lucie's First Christmas (Part II is Lucie's First Birthday - I'm having trouble with my camera card reader and haven't been able to download those pics yet).

Technically I guess this is not Lucie's first Christmas, as she was born on Christmas Day a year ago. But, this is her first full Christmas, and her first Christmas with me so I am counting it as her first Christmas. We had a really busy day. Santa came during the night and left Lucie some fun things in her stocking (a duck - quack quack, or as Lucie says "cack cack"), some books, a popcorn popper and some rubber blocks. We had a leisurely breakfast complete with eggs and bacon - yum! After breakfast we played with the things Santa brought, and then everyone opened their Christmas gifts, and then we played with all the gifts. Fun! Lucie almost never takes naps, unless she falls asleep in her car seat when we are going somewhere. Today Lucie took a 2 1/2 hour nap! I think she would have slept even longer than that, but we went into her room to check on her and then she woke up. I guess all this fun just wore her out. In the afternoon we took a long walk in the neighborhood and then started fixing Christmas dinner and Lucie's birthday party.

I'm one today!!! No more practicing - it's for real!
